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4 Antworten
Schönen Tag
Chasak. Es ist ein Genuss Ihren Schiur zu hören.
Super shiur. Danke Ihnen!!!!
Hallo ich habe eine kurze frage: In ihrer Videoreihe "Mündliche Tora" haben sie des öfteren gesagt dass man bei einer Diskussion Rabbi Eliezer recht gibt. Aber wie sieht es hiermit aus? Sanhedrin 105a:11: "It is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yehoshua, as it is taught in a baraita that Rabbi Eliezer says: It is written: “The wicked shall be turned back to the netherworld, all that nations that forget God” (Psalms 9:18). “The wicked shall be turned back to the netherworld”; these are the sinners of the Jewish people, as only the sinners are sentenced to the netherworld. “All the gentiles that forget God”; these are the sinners of the gentiles. From the fact that it is written: “All the gentiles,” it is apparent that none of the gentiles have a share in the World-to-Come. This is the statement of Rabbi Eliezer. Rabbi Yehoshua said to him: But is it stated in the verse that the sinners of the Jewish people will be like all of the gentiles? It is stated only: “All the gentiles that forget God.” Rather, the wicked shall be turned back to the netherworld, and who are they? They are all the gentiles that forget God. Gentiles who fear God do have a share in the World-to-Come."
Warum hat in dieser Diskussion Rabbi Yehoshua recht, da ein Nichtjude ja durch die 7 Mitzwot Noahs auch einen anteil an der kommenden Welt hat? Hoffe sie können mir diese frage kurz beantworten.